Monday, March 31, 2008

Nationals Game

The Nationals just built a brand new stadium. Jimmy has been so excited for it to open. It is located right across the street from where he works, so he has been able to watch the whole process of it being built from the beginning.
He has looked forward to taking Wyatt to the Opening day game since the day he found out it was being built. He bought part of a season ticket package that included the opening day game. They ended up adding a game making the opening day fall on a Sunday. He debated still going, but just felt like it wasn't worth it. (all on his own, I didn't say a word) He never complained, but I knew that he was a little disappointed that he wouldn't be able to take Wyatt.
Well, they just happened to schedule an exhibition game the night before opening day between the Orioles and the Nationals. It wasn't opening day, but it was the first game ever played in the stadium. He got tickets, and Wyatt and he had a great time. They even went early so they could see batting practice, and Wyatt was given three balls from different players that they autographed for him. Wyatt keeps telling everybody that he went to the first baseball game ever.
I am so glad to have a husband that is such an example to me! He always puts the lord first. I am not in any way saying that I would look down on anybody that would have gone, because I hope that I myself, would be able to make the right decision if something was that important to me. I am just grateful that my kids and I have him to look up to. He is such a strength in my life, and I am very lucky to have him!

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What a great dad! Good on you Jimmy! That first picture scared me when your blog came up. =)

estinger said...

Those look like pretty crappy seats. Leave it to Jimmy to get THOSE kinds of seats :)

Brandon and Amber said...

How fun for them to go together! Those big heads are pretty scary. I don't think Samantha would have stood by them!

Arielle said...

Good thing Jonesy looks up to all the Johnsons because he would've gone to that Sunday game. In fact, he is seriously considering a sunday game next time we go up. I'll make him read your blog. That's cool Jimmy works near there. Jonesy has been watching the construction online. Are you going to go to any games?

Johnsons said...

I think he did it more than anything, to teach Wyatt a lesson. It's funny, but kids really keep you in line. My mom is coming into town this next week, and we are taking her to next Friday's game. Jimmy has tickets to different games, so you will have to let us know when you come up here, and we could go together.