Monday, March 10, 2008

I saw this on my friend Kyle's blog, and thought it was pretty fun. I found out how my knowledge lacks in both areas, but especially on the countries. My mind froze. When I saw the results, I saw that I missed some pretty obvious ones. Oh well, it is all in fun. If you take the tests post your scores in the comments, so we can all see how well you did. Good luck and have fun.




Doug and Shayla said...

I tried both. I barely beat you on countries, but you totally schooled me on colors. I guess I better pay more attention when the crayons are out! :)

Arielle said...

30 colors. I guess I forgot Persian Indigo because that was on their list. I kept typing in Navy Blue every thirty seconds and I couldn't get chartreuse to work. Isn't that a color?

Arielle said...

65 countries