Monday, November 10, 2008

Stuck In The Bathroom

We went to New York this weekend for our cute niece's baptism, and had so much fun with everyone there. We got home late last night.
Jimmy left later for work this morning, so instead of unpacking and doing all of the cleaning that I had to do,I just relaxed and chatted with him. Then when Walker went down for his first nap I wasted my time catching up on the computer. Before I knew it he was awake, and I was trying to wrestle him and unpack at the same time.
When he went down for his second nap, I tried to speed clean. I got all unpacked, and things put away, and I started cleaning my dirty bathroom. About halfway through, Walker woke up, so I went in and got him out of his crib. I thought that I would quickly finish cleaning the bathroom before I changed him and got him his snack. He kept trying to come in the bathroom and get in the toilet (his latest obsession), so I closed the door, and finished cleaning the floor. When I finished and went to open the door, the door nob would not work. Wyatt was playing at his cousin's house, so I called for McKartnee. I asked her to try to open the door from the outside, and she couldn't either. GREAT, so I have a baby, and an almost three year old running around the house, and I am stuck in the bathroom.
We have a mini screwdriver set, so I asked McKartnee to get it for me and put it under the door. I tried to unscrew the door nob, but with the mini screw driver, I could not get it to budge, and the normal one wouldn't fit under the door. I wedged the screwdriver in between the door and the frame, and tried to pry it open, and broke part of the door. I looked out the window to see if I could jump out, but I was afraid I would break my leg or something else doing it. I tried to stay calm, and I kept having McKartnee tell me what Walker was doing, and told her if he was getting into anything to let me know. (Like I could have done anything)
I was ready to jump out of the window if I needed to, but decided that as long as they were OK, I would stay put. I kept panicking thinking about everything that Walker could be getting himself into, and I worried about McKartnee getting outside, or into who knows what. I was seriously praying the whole time I was in there that Heavenly Father would just keep them safe, and it wasn't until I got out two hours later that I realized how much he had answered my prayers.
When Jimmy came home the kids were both downstairs just playing. When he was trying to get me out though, both of the kids came upstairs. They love when daddy comes home.
McKartnee loves to get chairs from the dining room, and move them to climb up and get whatever she wants. She put a chair in the kitchen in front, but off to the side of the oven to get to my stash of peanut M&M's out of the cupboard above it. We didn't even know that she had done this.(we were a little preoccupied with the door) When Walker climbs up on somthing and can't get down he does this little whine, and while Jimmy was still trying to get the door open he heard Walker. He went in the kitchen, and he had climbed up on the chair, onto the cupboard, and was right next to the stove. I am so glad this happened while Jimmy was there, and not before. When I think about this, and all of the other things that they could have, and probably should have got into during the two hours I was locked in the bathroom, it makes me know that my Heavenly Father was right there with my little ones protecting them from all of the dangers that they could have gotten themselves into. I felt so helpless being stuck in there, and I was so happy to get out and give my kids a great big hug. I am so glad that they were OK!!


estinger said...

That would be really scary! And, I can't believe you were in there for 2 HOURS! I'm glad you got out and now I'm sure you can laugh about it.

Brandon and Amber said...

2 hours???? Wow that is a long time! What did you do to pass the time? I must confess that I did have a good laugh reading this--that's only because it's not me! I'm glad everyone is okay!

Unknown said...

I am so glad that everything turned out. That is sooo freaky. I have had similar situations- all you can do is pray. You are and were amazing! Love, Ape

Wade The Rascal said...

If your bathrooms are anything like ours, they're totally stocked with current US Weekly and Cosmo magazines, as well as with books. But I think I wouldn't have stayed as calm as you did. I would've jumped out the window, which would've been 2 stories---I probably would make it, right? Wow. All the stuff I have to look forward to. I'm going to have my wife read your post so she'll know what to do in the future. Sounds like you handled it perfectly, with a little help from upstairs.

Susanna said...

That would be so scary! I'm glad your story had a happy ending, my kids probably would have had the house torn to shreds. I'm glad you didn't break your leg:)


That is just horrible and funny. I would be going crazy too thinking about what my kids were doing. Although, I'm quite positive Lincoln would make his way outside and run and tell a neighbor. I'm so glad that your kids are so good. You saw their true colors that day.

Amy said...

What a story! I can't believe you were stuck in their for 2 hours - you've got some great kids!! Glad that everyone is ok. I would have been going crazy.

Moleff Family! said...

Thats crazy! I am glad everyone and everything is ok!!

Kari said...

Wow, I would have freaked. I'm already planning what I would do if that happens. Luckily my son knows where my cell phone is and it would fit under the door, that is my plan now. Like Wade, I do have quite the stock of magazines and books in our bathroom. But I think I would have been too stressed to read them. Glad everything worked out!

Abby said...

Amy I loved reading your little story! That would have beens scary especially with little Walker! Oh man i can just see you panicking in the bathroom! Well, Im glad everything was ok! So, thanks for your comments the other day! you are so sweet! I just love ya!

Bonnie said...

This is a funny story. It made me remember when I came home and my husband was stuck in our pantry. He had been there for over 2 hours and was ready to kick down the door. Ironically, he was fixing the handle because it was not working, and that is when it really stopped working and trapped him.

Glad your kids were ok! That would be very stressful.

Cute blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry...

Unknown said...

I love reading your blog! You have the cutest stories. I am so sorry you got stuck in the bathroom though but I am glad that everything was ok! Happy late Birthday to Wyatt too! Love ya and miss you all

Arielle said...

Well I bet your bathroom was pretty clean by the time you got out. McKartnee is a good girl. I would have been doing whatever I wanted and probably ignoring my mom. Actually, I think I was just a bratty trouble maker.

Anonymous said...

AHHH! Two hours stuck in a bathroom...I am so sorry! I would have died. I am glad your kids kept out of trouble.

Janene Christensen said...

Amy only this could happen to you! i know this was probably so awful for you but I am laughing! I am really glad things turned out okay. You are so patient I would have probably knocked the door down.

Schauers Hours said...

Wow, I would have been scared out of my mind. And crying. And kicking. You handled it really well, glad you got out without calling the fire department!

Kent & Beka said...

I am mortified for you! My stomach is in my shoes- just in thoughts of Emitt and Ollie being away from me for that long! You are so tough- both for surviving and for cleaning your bathroom- the LAST place in my house that gets cleaned.

Brent said...

Sweet adventure. The chaos house continues. Glad to hear things are going well for you guys. The kids look great. I miss you guys.

Team Pettijohn said...

Wow...has it really been that long since you blogged? lol. You are starting to act like Heather. I was going to tell you that I've felt that kind of panic. I was watching my sisters kids one time while they were at Lake Powell and the 2 year old shut the garage door while I was loading up the car. The baby was locked in the house right next to two steps. I freaked out because my cell and keys were all inside. I ended up beating the crap out of the doorknob with my bat that was in my car, and 20 minutes later the baby was still in the same place. I was seriously shaking but so grateful. Well just thought I would share. Hope to hear from you soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Amy- Are you still stuck in the bathroom...You haven't updated forever. Im going to start calling you Heather.